Affiliated Pros Directory

All businesses are screened and must meet stringent requirements before they become members.

Browse the businesses in the directory and see their full listings learn about the products and services they offer.


Contact a member with the information below or see their full listing for an overview of the business and their services.

Air Conditioning & Heating

Ken Lindquist Corp

Ken Linquist

Appliances & Services

Amazing Repair Service

Mark Avery

Charitable Non-profit

Voices for Children of North Central Florida

Kathleen Cossey

Custom Cabinets & Flooring

Sheffield’s Cabinetry & Flooring

Jack Hobbs

Installations and service

ANS Garage Door Service LLC

Phillip Steinhauer

Licensed Real Estate Broker (Commercial)

Tropic Shores Realty

John Conroy

Marine & Small Engine Repair

Uzar Enterprise Inc.

Andrew Uzar

Moving Services

Duncan Family Movers LLC

Tony Duncan

Pressure Washing & Painting

KC Pro Restoration LLC

Kyle Chambers


FGE Prints

Ken Cramer / Manager: Kyler Cramer

Roofing Contractor

Boulerice Roofing and Supply lnc.

Michelle Boulerice

Tree Service & Lawn Maintenance

Judges Tree Service

Sean Judge / Mitch Weatherbee